Tuesday, December 27, 2011

7-UP is my favorite un-cola

Seems all I post is crap that's bothering me.  So this blog post is about my favorite childhood drink, 7-UP.

It's friggin' delicious.  Way better than Sprite, Sierra Mist.  I believe it was the original un-cola drink.

I love 7-UP.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Still McDonalds Free --- Horray for Me

Still not eating McDonalds...it's been since Oct 17, 2011.

I actually boycotted Wendys a few years ago and didn't have any for a year and a half.

Again, I'm not saying mCdonalds is gonna go bankrupt.   I just won't spend my money ther.  I'm gunning for forever.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

120 gal 72" wide marine aquarium

Yellow tang
3x damsels
Maroon clown
Flame angel
Copperband butterfly fish
Chocolate chip star fish
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Sally lightfoot crab
Algae blenny
Emerald crab
Bunch of hermit crabs

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Leo: Don't be modest about all your recent achievements. Toot your horn loudly. Yahoo! Astrology. *Yahoo! Horoscope

Friday, December 2, 2011

Deactivated My facebook

So deactivated my facebook yesterday.  I just don't use it as much.  I kinda prefer twitter.  More random.  What you tweet doesn't really mean too much.  I kinda use it a lot to vent against current events.

One thing I have noticed, if it's gonna be on the news, it'll probably trend on twitter first.

I prolly will reactivate the account at some time.  Wanna see how long I can go without it.  Will post a 'reactivated' blog on here to document when that happens.
