is that it is people driven. here's a hypothetical that's not too far fetched...
a clone of facebook, let's call it "". except, your info is sold to advertisers, and guess what, you get a piece of that revenue. and the other part of that revenue, outside of operation costs, will go to the charity of your choice. and there will be online pubic votes, as to where other revenue will go. "life-net" will be both capitalism and democracy digitalized and truly realized.
now presented with a choice... my social network, it's gonna go to the good fight, not the facebook pocket books, or possibly facebook investors.
the future will be the battle of the social networks.
"join life-net, where you count and all profits go to charity". "check and confirm our books"
then there will be other "life-net"s, and guess what, they join forces because the user chooses the beneficiary, something commercial social networks cannot do.
then fb in a battle will claim that the social network model is theirs, but will lose out in the end, cause you can't beat charity.
OR FB goes non-profit.
the end