So I guess I tweet a lot. Woke up from sleep, first thing I do is turn on the tv. Still on travel channel from the night before watching the stupid show ghost adventures, which is entertaining though, laughing at zak and the gac. Adam is always on. Today the show is Amzaing Eats. Sometimes it's Man V Food. Man, I wanna eat the tv. But back to point, next thing that enters my mind is, 'I'm gonna tweet that'.
Which brings me to Blogspot, a division of google and googlesense. So i decided to expand my thought(s) today, instead of trying to summarize in (twitter) a certain amount of characters 130, 140? Whatever it is, it's limiting. There should be more allowed characters. But now, twitter wants to start censoring. So in response, people are not tweeting today, calling it #twitterblackout. Funny thing, I read about the blackout on twitter's trending topics. Almost ironic if it isn't. Censorship is wrong. Sure there are unsavory people out ther, but these are just words. And it really is freedom of speech that brings what is right out. Or better yet, a litmus of where we stand as a society.
So facebook advertises but doesn't reimburse the content creators. Twitter is censoring now. I don't know, maybe it's time to just...logoff for a really, long, mother fucking time. I mean, damn, shit's gone cray. In my opinion of course.
I'm hungry. Fuck papa johns.
Total side note: @papajohns is tainted for life for me. Anyday I see that ugly mother fucker on tv mostly, I see him (mama john) with lady chinky eyes. Bitch ass mother fucker. Yeah, that's gangsta talk (sarcasm).