Saturday, January 28, 2012

Most Every Saturday, It's Just On TV

So I guess I tweet a lot.  Woke up from sleep, first thing I do is turn on the tv.  Still on travel channel from the night before watching the stupid show ghost adventures, which is entertaining though, laughing at zak and the gac.  Adam is always on.  Today the show is Amzaing Eats.  Sometimes it's Man V Food.  Man, I wanna eat the tv.  But back to point, next thing that enters my mind is, 'I'm gonna tweet that'.

Which brings me to Blogspot, a division of google and googlesense.  So i decided to expand my thought(s) today, instead of trying to summarize in (twitter) a certain amount of characters 130, 140?    Whatever it is, it's limiting.  There should be more allowed characters.  But now, twitter wants to start censoring.  So in response, people are not tweeting today, calling it #twitterblackout.  Funny thing, I read about the blackout on twitter's trending topics.  Almost ironic if it isn't.  Censorship is wrong.  Sure there are unsavory people out ther, but these are just words.  And it really is freedom of speech that brings what is right out.  Or better yet, a litmus of where we stand as a society.

So facebook advertises but doesn't reimburse the content creators.  Twitter is censoring now.  I don't know, maybe it's time to just...logoff for a really, long, mother fucking time.  I mean, damn, shit's gone cray.  In my opinion of course.

I'm hungry.  Fuck papa johns.

Total side note: @papajohns is tainted for life for me.  Anyday I see that ugly mother fucker on tv mostly, I see him (mama john) with lady chinky eyes.  Bitch ass mother fucker.  Yeah, that's gangsta talk (sarcasm).



Logged Off Twitter for #twitterblackout

See, now I'm posting here.  Sunday.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Boycott on McDonalds South of 8 Mile

So after eating Tim Hortons, Dunkin Donuts, and Burger King breakfasts for 3 months 9 days, I decided to finally get McDonalds today.  I got 2 breakfast burritos with HOT picante sauce and a large sweet tea.  My last meal from McDonalds was Oct 17, 2011.

I had modified my boycott earlier this week, saying I will not patron any McDonalds 'south of 8 mile', meaning inside Detroit.  All the problems I've ever had have been in inner-Detroit McDonalds.  Slow service, wrong orders...but most importantly... SLOW ORDERS.  I'm sure if there were a nationwide service test, most all Detroit McDonalds would fail miserably.  Don't believe me, try it.  Matter of fact, I went to a White Castle once in Detroit, slowest ever.  And those employees had some fucking attitude on them too.  So maybe it's just the Detroit fast food worker that sucks.

So the last McDonalds meal I've eaten from a Detroit McDonalds is Oct 17, 2011.

These 3 months gave  me the opportunity to try other foods for breakfast.  No one fast food place should have too much market share.  Tim Hortons has to be the healthiest IMO.  Soups are good.  Also their breakfast wrap has a whole grain tortilla, and uses shredded cheese.  Burger King isn't that great, but the french toast sticks are unique to them.  Obviously Dunkin Donuts has excellent donuts, but a great blueberry muffin with a sugar coated top.  Delicious.

So in conclusion, McDonalds, you can still fuck off.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Captain Chicken Shit

Just wanted to immortalize this ITALIAN, white, coward chicken shit captain in my blog.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Facebook to stay active but...

Not installing the android app so no alerts.  Also, no sms alerts active.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Facebook back up

Need to send a group email.  Can't do it from the web browser.  Not going to install the android app.  WtF

Monday, January 9, 2012

Papa John's - Lady Chinky Eyes

First off, I'd like to send a big FUCK YOU to papA johnS.  I will never eat your goddamn pizza again.  The only resolve that will work for me, close 3070 down.  Revoke the franchise.  Your brand has suffered enough.  Let the owner open at another location, cause I along with others will be Yelping the shit out of this and it will never go away.

Now with that out of the way, some of my thoughts on this whole "LADY CHINKY EYES".

How could pj hire such a person?  Isn't there some kinda screening involved?  Oh, wait, only dumb mother fuckers work at pizza joints.  Okay, then why allow a word like 'CHINK' be entered in the machine.  For those of you that don't believe that exists, what about your fucking autocorrect software in your dumb fucking phone?  Not using that feature or requiring that kinda software as a franchise NEGLIGENCE.  If you know you have a bunch of idiots working for you, why give them the power to drown you?  Also STUPIDITY on pj's part.

If you think this is no big deal, FUCK YOU TOO.

BUT, if you are as appalled at this incident as I am, god bless you.