Monday, January 9, 2012

Papa John's - Lady Chinky Eyes

First off, I'd like to send a big FUCK YOU to papA johnS.  I will never eat your goddamn pizza again.  The only resolve that will work for me, close 3070 down.  Revoke the franchise.  Your brand has suffered enough.  Let the owner open at another location, cause I along with others will be Yelping the shit out of this and it will never go away.

Now with that out of the way, some of my thoughts on this whole "LADY CHINKY EYES".

How could pj hire such a person?  Isn't there some kinda screening involved?  Oh, wait, only dumb mother fuckers work at pizza joints.  Okay, then why allow a word like 'CHINK' be entered in the machine.  For those of you that don't believe that exists, what about your fucking autocorrect software in your dumb fucking phone?  Not using that feature or requiring that kinda software as a franchise NEGLIGENCE.  If you know you have a bunch of idiots working for you, why give them the power to drown you?  Also STUPIDITY on pj's part.

If you think this is no big deal, FUCK YOU TOO.

BUT, if you are as appalled at this incident as I am, god bless you.